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Nov. 20, 2013
Town of Princeton    PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting ---  November 20, 2013

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Present were: Jon Fudeman, Ann Neuburg, and John Mirick. Richard Bisk was absent.

New Business
A ZBA public hearing for the NEADS campus on Redemption Rock Trail is slated for Dec. 5, and the board briefly reviewed the plans. The project, involving a major addition on the ‘red house,’ had been presented several months ago by Larry Greene Jr., who is project manager for the proposed expansion at the facility.  The ZBA will consider applications for a Special Permit as well as a variance at the public hearing. The board discussed the possible need for a site plan that would be issued by the Planning Board, but will review the conditions of the ZBA’s Special Permit after they release their decision.

Old Business
7:45 PM – Jon Fudeman recused himself as discussion began on Worcester Road project as he resides in the neighborhood under discussion. Tom D. outlined benefits of changing zoning and adding a mixed-use overlay according to recommendations from the Master Plan. These include the potential for alternative housing, such as multi-family, affordable apartments/condos and senior or over-55, as well as supporting economic development by widening and expanding business-zoned areas with a mixed-use overlay “Village” district.
        There was some discussion on where boundaries would be if the business zone south of Hickory Dr. & Stagecoach Rd. were to revert to R-A, in view of the citizens’ petition from Cal Calamari to include all house lots abutting Jillian and Hickory Drive (north) in the reversion to R-A. John M. pointed out that an amendment on the Town Meeting floor could be allowed to an article if ti calls for less change, but not add anything new. He stated that it was the PB’s obligation to provide citizens choices about zoning and the opportunity to vote on them. The PB is currently proposing three articles: 1) a zoning overlay “village” district on the current business zone on the west side of Worcester Road that starts at PO Place;   2) extend that business zone north to a new boundary beyond the PMLD property; and  3) revert the area south of Hickory Drive (north) to R-A.
The board took comments from the 15 or so residents attending the meeting. Jim Whitman, 30 Hickory Drive, wanted an explanation of what additional info the PB needed in order to support any particular articles, and board members insisted that they would defer to what voters want. The PB pointed out that the differing opinions seem to center around Sean Conway, who has a several-acre house lot at the corner of Hickory and Worcester Road. A letter from Sean was received and read by board members, asking that the zoning of his house lot not be reverted to A-R and supporting the mixed-use overlay being proposed. The letter will be posted along with previous letters under “minutes” on the town website
Jon F. spoke as a citizen and stated that the real issue was not Sean’s lot but the undeveloped 20-acre parcel which has frontage in the Bus. Zone, but that zone is only wide enough, under current zoning, to support a strip mall. He said the only question for planners should be whether it is developed as business or residential use. Bruce Rollins from Town Line Farm on Worcester Road, Cheryl Comer, 8 Hickory Drive and Rosemary Fudeman of Worcester Road all expressed a few differing opinions concerning where zoning boundaries should go.
The board went on to discussing uses that would be allowed in the mixed-use district, which include most, but not all, of what is currently allowed in the Business district—mainly uses that would be compatible with residential use.
The next step is to ask for a meeting with the planner who replaced Vera Kolias at CMRPC, and get examples from other communities about mixed-use zoning overlays. Marie will contact Chief Bennett about the feasibility of changing zoning to increase the maximum building height to 45’ from 35’ to accommodate three stories plus an attic.

Administrative Business
Board voted all in favor to approve November 6, 2013, meeting minutes.  The board will decide at the next meeting on Dec. 4 whether to hold a meeting on Dec. 18.

9:10 PM  Board voted to adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, admin. assistant

Referenced Documents:  Plans and materials for the NEADS project; Worcester Road Village Concept possible Overlay Components (John Mirick, 11/5/2013). Letter from Sean Conway

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department